Welcome to MoJo
We are highly experienced, qualified professionals encompassing senior leaders from health and social care. Our consultants include nurses, police officers, social workers, and teachers.
With a strong focus on supporting your organisation to meet your business and regulatory expectations whilst maintaining a significant emphasis on your key business objectives, productivity, and your peoples' development and pastoral care.
To help organisation's achieve their key business objectives, we offer a wide selection of solutions.
Click through our services page to learn more or contact us today to discuss your bespoke requirements.
Service Re-Design and Transformation
Preparation for CQC Inspections
Section 75 Contract, Assessment, Audit and Review​
Independent Service Provider Assessment, Audit and Review
Organisational Safeguarding Assessment, Audit and Review
Organisational Awareness and Preparation of Freedom To Speak Up Guardian Role​​
Preparation for Implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)​
Resource Development
​​Institute of Leadership and Management Accredited executive coaching
Organisational Critical Friend and Peer Challenge
Training Creation and Delivery
Adult Reviews, SUI, Serious Case Reviews
Freedom to Speak Up Guardian Support
Lessons Learnt Round Table Facilitation
Industrial Social Work
Mental Health Specialist Support for the Workplace With the Creation of Bespoke Professional In-House Mental Health Services
Support for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
HR Support, Expert Witness Investigations
Employee and Businesses Emotional Resilience Architecture
121 or Peer Supervision and Action Learning Sets